Credit Repair Letter

A credit repair letter is also referred to as a dispute letter. This is a how you remove a negative mark on your report with the credit bureaus.

This letter informs the bureaus that a mark is incorrect. Upon receipt of your letter they will begin an investigation. A letter must be sent to each credit bureau that shows the disputed mark on your credit report.

In this letter you must provide the details about the mark. You must also state why this mark is inaccurate and should be removed, common reasons include; not my account, account is closed, account paid in full and many more.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is legislation that congress passed to protect the consumer. This law says credit bureaus must investigate and remove inaccurate or unverifiable marks. Before this law was passed people literally had to live with bad credit no matter how or who originated the negative mark.

The brick wall that many people face is to get the credit bureau to deem your letter a "valid" dispute. This is because it will cost the bureaus potential profits to conduct investigations.

Often a response to a credit repair letter is to request more information, regardless of the need for it. This is considered an attempt by many to frustrate you into giving up on the dispute process.

Also you should know that under no circumstances should you ever submit a 100 word statement on your report. This is a place where you can provide a brief statement next to a negative mark.

In the past this was used to explain what happened. However today if you fill in this statement you are only admitting guilt to the bureaus.

This will cause the bureaus to deem any future dispute letters as frivolous and they will be ignored. Thus you have no way of removing the negative mark and it will damage your credit score for years to come.

Negative listings can be removed; you just need to be persistent and patient. I would suggest looking into a credit repair service if you have multiple negative listings on your report.

For a free []credit repair letter or a free []credit repair e-book visit us. For a free credit consultation call 1-866-246-7311.

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